Sunday, July 14, 2024

New Monster: Steel Snails

(Picture from a post on Britain in detail: quirk, charm and craft in the built environment on facebook.)

 Steel Snail

A swarm of small, metallic snails that consume metals. Despite their name, their bodies usually resemble some patchy iron, but their actual composition depends on the specific metals they've been feeding on. They implacably slither towards any metal they scent, whether worn, held, or unattended.

They exude heat from small furnaces within their shells (where they digest the metals), which a whole swarm may release at once in response to danger (the equivalent to a heat metal spell applied to anyone within 10 feet of the swarm). They may do this once per day. 

A swarm that inhabits an area for a long time will gradually coat surfaces in a metallic patina with their slime trails. Fanciful tales from the East have wizards feeding them diets of precious metals to gild sculptures and scrolls with unique alloys. (And providing a smokeless source of heat.)

Given their composition and behaviour, most sages ascribe their origins to one of the paraelemental planes of existence, although this has not been satisfactorily proven in the Collegia Magna and a significant minority assume them to be sorcerous constructs. 

Armour Class: 5 [14]

Hit Dice: 2 to 4 (9 / 13 / 18hp)

Attacks: Special


Movement: 5’ (1’)

Saving Throws: D13 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH)

Morale: 12

Alignment: Neutral

XP: 20 / 35 / 75

Number Appearing: 1 (1d3)

Treasure Type: Special

Size: 10’ × 10’ area, typically.

  • Immunity: Unaffected by sleep spells or damage from fire. Intense cold slows them as the spell. 
  • Swarm attack: Anyone wearing or carrying a metal object within the swarm must make a Save vs. Petrification. If they fail, they automatically take damage — 2hp if wearing armour, 4hp without — and the snails latch onto them, doing damage automatically while still attached. This damage is magical.
  • Heat Vent: Once per day, may vent heat en masse: as heat metal applied to everyone within 10 ft of the swarm. 
  • Consume Metals: Metals left in the swarm’s area over time will be consumed by the swarm, with small objects (e.g. thieves’ tools) consumed within 1 turn and any armour or swords consumed entirely within 1d6 hours. Magic items may save to resist as with Rust Monsters. 
  • Escaping: On exiting the swarm, characters continue to suffer half damage until a round is spent swatting off attached snails.
  • Pursuit: Snail swarms that scent metal within 60 ft will pursue it relentlessly.
  • Raw Materials: The snails’ value as metals depends on the metals they were consuming, but an “average” swarm is worth GP equal to its HP.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Free Hexmap Templates

Hey, with the #hexplore stuff going on I figured I should clean up and post some hexmap templates I've had sitting around for a while:

If there's any hexmap templates (or variations on existing ones) you'd like to see added, please let me know!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Two OSE Spells

A few years ago, when a Wilderlands campaign was being converted from 5e to OSE, I had written up two versions of spells my 5e character (a Tempest-domain Cleric) used a lot. It seemed weird to me for him to just stop casting the spell, so using existing previous-edition spells as benchmarks I converted them to this:

1st Level Spell
Duration: Instant
Range: 15’ cone
A wave of thunder blasts creatures and objects in a 15-foot cone originating from the caster. Any creature in the area of the wave takes 1d4 points of thunder damage per caster level (maximum 5d4), with a successful save versus spells indicating half damage. Unsecured objects and medium or smaller creatures who failed their save are hurled 10ft away from the caster.

2nd Level Spell
Duration: Instant
Range: 60’
An implosive wave crushes things within a 10’ radius sphere originating at a point within range.
  • Damage: Creatures and objects caught in the sphere suffer 1d4 damage per level of the caster (1d6 if they are made of inorganic materials), with a successful save versus spells indicating half damage.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Disconnected Thoughts on Running Medieval Settings

Reposting a reply to someone who asked for tips and advice running a Cthulhu Dark Ages game. These were written with the idea of a medieval mystery game in mind, but I think they apply equally to pretty much anything trying to capture a medieval vibe.

1. All institutions are persons. The level of bureaucracy and institutional inertia we're used to in the modern era could only be *dreamed* of. The rules are *never* blindly enforced, and the systems in place to argue about them are incredibly complex compared to our expectations. 

2. Labour is expensive, and preserving it is everyone's reflexive top priority. As much as the life of a peasant seems degraded to us, the entire system exists to keep people able to make food, and the margins for error for even a king are razor-thin compared to now. 

3. Points 1 and 2 mean everyone is very aware of their debts and obligations in keeping everyone around them alive, and their reliance on the fulfillment of those debts and obligations by others. If one person in a village dies, it's everyone's business.

4. The world is alive. This might seem odd, since we're not used to the idea of medieval Christianity as "animistic," but the reality is that the medieval mind treated the entire cosmos as hylozoic — they describe physics, geology, weather, everything in terms we would reserve for plants and animals. 

5. Life is mysterious, and mysterious forces surround everything. A tree grows from an acorn; a child from its mother; a corpse births the worms and flies of corruption. It is not weird to assume that a child born under a particular star-sign will have some traits, for the fixed and wandering stars scribe the cycle of the seasons themselves upon the heavens.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Space23 Table Ideas

Someone was talking about alternatives to 'rooms' for an SF-based version of the dungeon23 project, so here's a table of options when you're out of obvious ideas:

Roll 1d6:
1. technological item.
(not necessarily a new technology, but an existing technology used in a setting-specific way. example: ferengi tooth-sharpeners.)
2. ideology. (a belief, either a whole structure or a common opinion or narrative about something in the setting, with an idea of who holds it and why)
3. accident or sudden event. (industrial accident, vehicle crash, disease, toxic chemical release, or just the result of systemic negligence.)
4. minor NPC. ('person-on-the street' npcs for various common locations --- starports, colonies, underhives, ancient low berth colony ships, etc)
5. cargoes. (something carried from one place to another, i.e. *why* a spaceship exists).
6. roll again: 1-4 non-intelligent life form and it's environment adaption/niche; 5 non-generalized robot (like an automatic checkout, roomba, or car assembly robot); 6 specialist program in starship/starport/local planetary networks.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Colossi Takes (Sessions 1 - 4)

I should really be writing here more, given that I’m running two games. I somehow managed to post nothing for the entirety of 2020, but given that it was 2020, who could blame me? 

Anyway, here’s two session takes from Nightwick: Isle of Colossi, which I’ll explain at some point.

The Choir, the Llady, Sir Miquelo, Nestorios Parsimonios
Treasure: 2 gold collars (10 gp each), 2 gold armbands (30 gp each), 1 gold necklace (30 gp), 8 gold necklaces (8 gp each), 1 golden chain (60 gp), 1 jewelled golden belt buckle (80 gp), 1 ancient crown (250 gp), 1 mysterious reddish-copper circlet (magical?)
XP: 269 each.

The Choir, the Llady, Sir Miquelo (Pt I only), Nestorios Parsimonios
Treasure: None
XP: 296, except for Sir Miquelo, who receives 142.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Two Nightwick-Inspired Campaign Ideas

One of the challenges I often face when designing D&D campaigns is what I refer to as "the whole deal." Even if I'm starting a campaign with a small hexmap or a single dungeon, I get stymied when figuring out the rationale for default D&Disms like elves, orcs, and the various kinds of magic. I might post more about this later, but the TL;DR here is that, to solve this problem, I often develop campaign ideas starting from games I've played in. Here are two ideas I have that have originated with the Nightwick campaign run by Evan of In Places Deep.

The Corpse-City of Kar Hadash
Setting: The ruined city of Kar Hadash, on the coast of the Desert Lands, far southwest of Nightwick Abbey.
Vibe: Ruined city megadungeon in a late medieval southeastern mediterranean

Centuries ago, the Lawful Empire of Man invaded the isle later known as Zenopolis and deposed the cruel dynasty which was preeminent amongst the isle’s kings. The last survivors of the dynasty fled with their secret treasures across the sea to the Desert Lands. There, they founded Kar Hadash, the ‘new city,’ and brooded over their plans for revenge and supplicated their demonic masters for foul boons. It became a pirate port and den of wickedness renowned the world over. It is no wonder, then, that it was one of the first places laid waste by the crusading Sword Brothers.

For centuries afterward, the city was a charnel house and dwelling place of naught but ghouls, but now rumours of resurgent cults, strange prophecies amongst the desert tribes, and piratical pretenders to the ancient throne have drawn a new generation of crusaders and tomb-robbers to the dead city.

Raiders of the Lost Empire
Setting: Atalia, the Desert Lands, and isles of the Starry Sea ~1400 years before the Nightwick Abbey campaign
Vibe: Sword and Sorcery Rome in the age of the Crisis of the Third Century.

The revelations of the Empress have transformed the Empire. The miracles of those initiated by Gax Ovo have transformed the world. As those who hear the holy thrumming Law and those who hew to the Old Gods (and worse) split the empire in revolt and revolution, the ancient temples and nemetons of ages forgotten are ripe for overthrow and plunder. Noble zealots and ignoble vandals seek out the treasure-vaults of the Empire’s Old Gods — Orcus Oath-binder, Apollo Far-shooter, Hermes Soul-taker — and try to stay out of the way of the clashing legions of the riven Empire.

New Monster: Steel Snails

(Picture from a post on  Britain in detail: quirk, charm and craft in the built environment  on facebook.)   Steel Snail A swarm of small, m...